Testing GTP Spice

Testing GTP Spice

Testing Grandad Ted's Poulty Spice - GTP Spice:

The more inventive among you will no doubt soon see the potential for this ingredients and no doubt many of you will delight in finding ever more devious applications for this powerful spicy mix. One sniff of the open bag and you’ll be hooked! I will not go through all the permutations for GTPS, suffice it to say it can be used in all manner of ways. Try blending it with pellets, for instance, to create small PVA mesh parcels, one of which can be threaded onto the hooklink and pulled down over the hook.

Once on the lakebed, the PVA melts and the contents of the parcel spread out, not just on the lakebed, but also around the hookbait too, as some of the contents of the Poultry Spice are buoyant while others have a neutral density. The photo shows what I mean.

GTP Spice can also be used as a paste. I find it is best to grind it down a little using a coffee grinder. You can see the difference quite clearly in the photo. Simply mix the ground down blend with eggs, adding a little bit of spice flavour as well if you wish, and then add the powdered mix. The result is a nice stiff ball of paste that you can use in any number of ways.

I like to use it as a paste wrap around a spicy flavoured boilies such as this Techni Spice 15mm hookbait.

You can also use the paste as a hookbait in itself using plastic bait armour such as the Arma Mesh from Fox. Using a very fine baiting needle – a splicing needle will do fine – thread the wrapped paste hookbait onto the hair and secure with a boilie stop.

I have left the best till last: Add 50g of ground down GTPS to 450g of your favourite base mix to create a totally different boiled bait. This trick works perfectly on waters that have been Robin Red-blitzed, the reason being that GTPS has a totally different smell and composition compared to pure Robin Red®. Give it a try. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised.


Grandad Ted’s Poultry Spice is much coarser than Robin Red®.

Robin Red®. The difference is obvious.

Trigga Ice Pellets are ideal if you want to create a PVA mash parcel with GTPS.

As you can see, the pellets seem to absorb the spicy nature of the Poultry Spice.

A neat little PVA mesh parcel of blended pellets and GTPS.

And here’s the whole rig ready to be cast out.

After the PVA mesh has meted…Lovely grub.

Grind down the blend using a coffee grinder and add some Black Pepper Essential Oil (optional).

Here is the resulting paste, and we are going to create a paste wrap using the rig shown on the right.

Here’s the completed wrap.

Fox Arma Mesh has been used to create this GTPS hookbait.

Add 50g of the blend to your favourite base mix to create a totally different boiled bait.

Written by Ken Townley

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