Testing the new Robin 'Reds"

Testing the new Robin 'Reds"

The new Robin "Reds": An incredibly easy method that works for all

Following on from the amazing success of SuperRed™, we have developed three more mixes in the same vein: NaturalRed™, MarineRed™ and HoneyRed™. Initially SuperRed™ was put together primarily as a Method Mix but further development has seen it transformed into a highly versatile groundbait, (simply add lake water top the desired consistency), a paste bait (add eggs and then form into small paste balls), or made into boiled baits (mix with eggs, roll into boilie-sized balls and then boiled). The three new ready-to-use blends are designed with the same versatility in mind.

Natural Red.

This blend is the perfect natural mix with added fishmeal, hempseed, honey and maize oil. It also contains dried insects for a totally natural attraction, our unique High Protein Crumb, and of course, the fabulous Robin Red (HB). Like the other blends in this group it boasts the same unique 3-in-1 multiple uses.

Honey Red.

This highly attractive mix is one of the most complex and most effective carp baits ever put together, being high in natural oils and micro seeds, and is laced with enticing sugars and spices. It is also primed with the wonderful smell and taste of natural honey. In addition it is rounded off with Robin Red and Carophyll* Red and is rich in proteins. Again it has multiple uses. Ingredients: Robin Red, Nectarblend, Carophyll Red, Blue Mawseed, Linseed, Rearing & Conditioning Seed, Maize Oil and Honey.

Marine Red.

The mix has been created to have a High Protein/High Oil content, thanks to a large percentage of fishmeal in the recipe. It also contains Robin Red and is enriched with natural fish oils. As is the case with all the Reds, MarineRed can be used as a method Mix, a groundbait, a paste bait or it can be made into boilies.

Using The New Reds.

Here you can see how the different between the three new blends. Bottom left is NaturalRed; top center is HoneyRed and MarineRed bottom right. You can use all three mixes in exactly the same ways I am going to show you now but we will start by using Marine Red to make a paste bait.


You will need some liquid attractors like this Corn Steep Liquor – 15ml for every two eggs is just about the right amount.

Break two or more eggs into a bowl and add the liquid attractors. First I am adding 15ml of Corn Steep Liquor.

Now I add 5ml of flavour, in this case Techni Spice.

Blend together the eggs, attractors and Marine Red using a fork.

Tie up a simple hair rig using double baits. These will help to trap the paste and make sure that it sticks properly to the hookbait.

Take a pinch of paste and flatten it into a pancake shape and then lay it in the palm of your hand. Position the hook and the hookbait as shown.

Now fold the paste around the baits and the hook. Don’t be concerned that the hook appears to be masked. Once in the lake the water acts quickly to soften the paste and any carp that picks up the bait will be hooked, as they tend to thrown the whole lot right back to their throat teeth.

Place the remaining paste in a polythene bag to prevent it from drying out

We are now going to make an enticing Method Mix using HoneyRed with added attraction in the form of Betaine and Multimino-PPC.

First place one kilo of HoneyRed in a clean mixing bowl and add 30ml Multimino-PPC.

Now add 5g of Betaine.

The last part of the attractor package is a good dollop of Pure Salmon Oil.

Again you need to blend the attractors together and then slowly add water until a fairly stiff, sticky consistency is achieved. Mould the HoneyRed around a Method feeder and squeeze hard to bed it down properly ready for the cast.

Finally wind the hooklink around the ball of Method Mix and secure the hook in the paste. The rig is now ready to be cast out.

Encourage more widespread feeding activity by rolling some of the HoneyRed paste in boilie size balls, which you can fire out with your catapult.

Now I am going to show you a superb trick using NaturalRed. First you need to measure out a kilo of dry mix and then add 50ml of Liquid Kelp.

Doesn’t that dark, attractive liquid kelp look sexy? Full of attractive vitamins and minerals.


Once again we will use Multimino-PPC to add still further to the overall attraction.

This little feeder is ideal for presenting a small amount of feed right next to the hookbait, with the added advantage of being streamline. When filled it weighs about 80g so it will cast a long way!

Pack the feeder with the attractor-laced NaturalRed.

Slide the lid into position and you are ready to cast.

Written by Ken Townley

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